CHINESE 189 2343 1319

How do we measure the capacitance and value of the chip capacitance


The chip capacitance is measured by measuring the capacitor gear using a digital multimeter. The chip capacitor is not suitable for testing on the circuit board, and the measurement results are not accurate. Remove the patch capacitor from the circuit board with a hot air welding torch (electric ferrochrome), find a clean sheet of tissue paper to place on the table, and then place it on the paper. This type of meter to measure the transistor or capacitor is a plug converter, and the capacitance can be immediately plugged into a special conversion jack.

Some 1812 high temperature chip capacitors are 10uf/100V, and the measurement results, such as 10.1uf on the digital multimeter, belong to a chip capacitor with higher accuracy. In order to better test the reduction of the capacitance volume of the patch, here I use two (1812) 10uf/100V of the same volume to measure together, as shown in the figure below.

At this time, the measurement results accord with the calculation method of capacitance volume in series circuit; See table for 4.9uf.

The basic chip capacitance is divided into COG (NPO), X7R, V5V according to raw materials; According to the nominal diameter specification of the thread, the foot package generally has the following 12 model specifications:

0201.0402.0603.0805.1206.1210.1812.1825.2225.3012.3035. Where: 0201.0402.0603.0805.1206 is the general package specification.

Pay attention to the selection of gear when measuring with data multimeter; General digital multimeter has 2n.200n.100uf many measuring gear. If the selected gear is lower than the measured patch capacitance, the digital multimeter will indicate that the overflow is "1" out.

At this time, its gear should be changed to a larger level, for the volume beyond the measurement value of the data multimeter, there is nothing to do, but only the measurement method of the series capacitor is selected, but this type of situation may be very few.

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