CHINESE 189 2343 1319

The function and characteristics of the chip capacitor

Electronic capacitor manufacturers and everyone share what role the chip capacitor has:
(1) Decoupling: The capacitor is called the "decoupling" capacitor in the decoupling circuit, and its role is the natural decoupling effect, mainly to remove the coupling noise and the noise of the output signal that can not be seen in the amplifier.
(2) Neutralization: capacitors used to neutralize circuits are called neutralizing capacitors, which are used in radio and television RF wave amplifiers and are mostly used to eliminate self-excitation and oscillation phenomena.
(3) Coupling: The capacitance effect of the capacitor is mainly to prevent the static operating point interaction of the two-stage circuit, which is one of the most important characteristics of the capacitor.
(4) Energy storage: In terms of energy storage, that is, the battery, the battery in electronic products is actually a capacitor, which plays the role of charge and discharge in the circuit.
(5) Filtering effect: filtering is a more important part of the role of capacitors, and basically all circuits will be used. The larger the capacitor, the easier the low frequency is, and the smaller the capacitor, the easier the high frequency is, so you can get a large volume of the chip capacitance-low frequency, and a small volume of the power capacitor filter high frequency.
(6) Time constant: Time constant refers to the time required for overreaction, mainly to control the size of the time constant, so as to control the charge and discharge time.

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